Thursday 3 October 2013

Chasing Cars - Episode 3

It was time to leave.

He looked around to find the house keys but couldn't locate them. He swore under his breath. Keys had always been his problem. Since he had his first bicycle lock keys till date, even with the most sincere effort to put them in the right place, he always managed to misplace them somehow.
And just when he was getting a little impatient, he spotted the sword of Elendil key-ring right below the day-old newspaper.


And as if jolting out of a dream, he found himself sitting on a bench behind the office buildings in this huge Technology Park. He had no memory of driving here, or leaving from his place, or how he ended up sitting on this particular bench beside this little cigarette shop. He couldn't believe what was wrong with him. Perhaps he needed to sleep more. Insomnia was playing tricks on him.

He was lighting up his cigarette when Alisha appeared out of the huge glass exit door on the other end of the building. He was glad to see her. She was one of the only friends he could talk to. Or then it was silence. Close. Dark. But understanding.

"And look who's here on time! " Alisha chuckled. " I thought this would be one of those days where I'd receive a call in the evening and you wont turn up again. "

"Oh I don't do that so often do I?" He spoke. And it felt weird. As if the words were coming from somewhere else. He hadn't spoken in a while now, and his own voice seemed as if it was a stranger's.

"Anyways. I talked to my boss. He said he might set things up for you. He knows people. Perhaps you'll get a job here or somewhere else for sure. He'll be coming down in a while. You guys can talk. And yes, Nick, for a change, try and be nice to him okay? He's helping you. " She finished.

"Yeah. Will be. Sure thing." He mumbled.


As he unlocked the door of his house, he felt strangely sick in his stomach. He had no clue what had happened earlier in the day. He had to meet and be nice to some CEO in some firm to land up a petty job somewhere. And after half an hour of lectures on why corporate sector was different than his usual life, he eventually escaped the walls of the Tech Park. He threw the keys on the couch, and went inside the room to check on Oscar. He was lying on one end of the floor and moved a little to welcome his master and friend home. He was sick, and tried to raise his paw to acknowledge his master's concern for him. Maybe he even tried to bark a little, but he was too weak.

Oscar was his only friend who understood him the way he expected someone to. An Alsatian, and a handsome dog indeed, he rescued Oscar when he was a couple of weeks old and was crying in the rain outside his gate, probably abandoned. The first time he held Oscar in his hands, he knew it was going to last. And it had, till now, for the least.

He looked at his dog, who had been a warrior as strong as him, through it all, and tried to smile and cheer him up. But he quickly turned away to hide a tear.

"I'm sorry, Oscar. For all this." He mumbled to himself.

And then he fainted.

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