Thursday 26 April 2012

Not just another crossroad

Through the woods,and through the storm..
Through the sands,and through it all..
On these roads,and off them on..
Been running through,all along..
Looking for a ray,a ray of hope..
One of these days,to find what i've sought..
A journey its been,a long one yeah..
But never once,no,did i choose to stay..
Crossed over those places,
The rivers,the greens,the mountains,the scenes..
And people with faces,and the faceless beings..
But walked and walked,waiting for the sky to break..
Putting it all,and all on stake..
But today i'm stopping here..
On these crossroads..
Long awhile its been,a little tired,
going back to everyone,to help them walk..
But today on these crossroads,
I want to stay..
Stay,just to see..
If you'll come back for me.

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