Friday 26 October 2012


Through the creep of this silent night,the footsteps of imagination shall be heard aloud.

Monday 23 July 2012


Sanity is a closed room.Insanity is everything outside.And it all comes down between luxury and freedom.
Never be ashamed of your insanity.Embrace it and make it beautiful.Someday it will make the sane look up and regret for not breaking free.

Friday 25 May 2012

i see hope.

when she looks back,and waits for me to hold her hand and help her cross the road,
i see hope,
when she holds my hands tight,and ripples her fingers through mine,
i see hope,
when she brushes her hair away from her forehead,and looks into my eyes to never look away,
i see hope,
when she digs her head in my neck,and hugs me hard,too scared to let go,
i see hope,
like the wind she sways,into my arms she falls and stays,
like a little girl she plays,like an angel my name she says,
she floats like a cloud,she walks like a queen,
she runs like a wave,and stops like a scene,
her eyes speak,like i wish my poems would,
her hair fly,like i wish my paper plane thoughts could,
i remember her smell too,and so does the river which froze with her fragrance,
i remember her voice yes,and so does the cuckoo who envies her with vengeance,
when she walks up to me,and whispers in my ear,that she loves me,
i see hope,
when she rests on my shoulder,and kisses me on my lips,so gently that my heart leaps with joy and sinks knowing the moment would be over soon,
i see hope,
yes,i see hope,
hope that when i wake up from this dream one day,
this story would be real,and she'd be mine.

Saturday 19 May 2012

And one fine day.

And one fine day,
i'll tell you what it feels like,
to travel fifty miles everyday,
to stand in a forty degree sun for hours,
to count the number of puffs i smoke,just to make it more fun,
to walk around in the rhythm of the traffic that surrounds me,
to watch the birds in the sky fly in a pattern,and see them fly away,
to watch the dogs sleep on the pavements,
to watch the airplanes come and go,from,and to,different places.
And one fine day,
i'll tell you what it feels like,
to do it all,
just to see you come out of your college gate,

Friday 11 May 2012

A Dreamer's Diary

And just another monday came..
He was late,like always,but he couldnt care less..
Alarms,for him,were always a mess..
He swooped out of his luxurious bed..
So luxurious,that people would kill for it..
Dressed up in a while,and walked out..
Of his multi-million pound mansion..
Towards his wheeled mean luxury machine ..
His world of immense luxury..
The world he had always dreamt of..
When he was young..
When he used to pass the villas of the super wealthy..
On his tattered motorbike..
Short of money,short of trends,
Short of friends..
But not short of dreams..
And he dreamt of luxury..
When he was young.
Grooving his car,he smiled to himself..
Remembering his old days..
And as he passed his garage..
He looked around to seek a glimpse..
Of his old tattered motorbike..
Kept like an aged queen.
He drove into the city..
Where people ran after him..
A star he was,a young tycoon..
He ruled this city's midnight..
He ruled this city's afternoon.
He donned the most expensive suits..
And smelled of the most exotic scents..
With an air of gods,he walked around..
They called him the player of the royal kents.
A life of fame,and a life of class..
He was everything everyone wanted to be..
And when his wheels drove past the lanes..
He saw women peeking around,for just a look of him..
He went to the biggest of the clubs..
And swam in the prettiest lakes around..
He flew in the best of the chartered flights..
And escaped in the valleys of richest safaris.
In all the parties,he was huddled around..
And girls would wink,on every sight he left free..
If he'd want,for his pleasure and lust..
He couldve waved his hand,and all would come..
Just to be with him once,to touch him,to smell him..
But he never did.
A magnificent life,he lived they said..
A brilliant dream,he reaped they said..
But they didnt know,at the end of the day..
He drove back home,to be home alone..
Sipped some wine,with no one to cheer it with..
He looked out of the window,and saw his life revolve..
And looked around,at his luxurious dome..
And remembered the day,she left him back on his own..
And he earned the world,to replace the seed she'd sown..
But now tonight,and everynight..
He wondered and thought,if it could,or might..
Replace the heart,he dumped which in the ground..
And is it all worth,of not having her around?

Friday 4 May 2012

the never ending hope

ust like a young kid would see..
up at the sky,towards the clouds..
searching for the shapes..
of birds,of things,of gifts,of dreams..
i've looked at this world,towards the people..
searching for the hope..
of satisfaction,of redemption,of love..
but clouds,they fly..
to never come back..
and i look up to find,something new everytime..
and why should i cry for the bygone clouds..
but then i know,the shapes of hope..
went along and flew..
its like the star,that i saw one night..
and i watched it shine,with awe and fright..
awe of love,and the fright of loss..
to be lost in a thousand stars..
but the star is bound,by the night that holds it..
maybe it wishes to fly free..
but cant,its just another star,and the night its queen..
i wished that star,eve if somewhere up and above..
would break apart some day and fall..
to be free of the night..
to be on its own..
to be away from all of it..
and that someday,i'll see the star,not losing it in a thousand others..
and when it would fall..
it will be my wishing star.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Not just another crossroad

Through the woods,and through the storm..
Through the sands,and through it all..
On these roads,and off them on..
Been running through,all along..
Looking for a ray,a ray of hope..
One of these days,to find what i've sought..
A journey its been,a long one yeah..
But never once,no,did i choose to stay..
Crossed over those places,
The rivers,the greens,the mountains,the scenes..
And people with faces,and the faceless beings..
But walked and walked,waiting for the sky to break..
Putting it all,and all on stake..
But today i'm stopping here..
On these crossroads..
Long awhile its been,a little tired,
going back to everyone,to help them walk..
But today on these crossroads,
I want to stay..
Stay,just to see..
If you'll come back for me.

Wednesday 11 April 2012

the story of a toy

sometime back,a random night it was..
i slept for too long,and woke up in a dream...
in a city unknown,i stood alone..
and i walked towards the city stores..
i was scared at first,for what the place could be..
until i heard someone say,"you're safe,and would be"..
i stared around,to see who had spoken..
but i saw none..
a toy in the window of a toy store.
it looked alive,but not pleased..
it seemed satisfied,but not at peace..
i went up to it,in hope and in doubt..
to ask what he meant by what he said..
and that was when i heard..
the story of a toy.

"i was born in a land,
far off in the west,
they called me the piggy,
said i was the best.
they said my destiny laid,
in the far off lands,
and i was brought here one day,
given in the store hands."

i listened to the toy,and i wondered why,
he lay in grief,what could make him cry!
i asked him why,he was what he became,
for a toy being sad,is a real shame.

"i've been in this store,for years now,
moving in and out,and wondering how,
kids come and go,in and out of the store..
they see me,they smile,
they laugh,they cry.
and one fine day,
someone would like me,enough to buy.
they'd play with me,
they'd live with me,
they'd laugh with me,
they'd share with me,
till the day they've played enough,
they'd grow up,and they'd find me a bore.
they'd throw me away,
and the store would take me back,
to redress me,
and replace me on the stack.
for someone,someday,
would come again,
to play with me,or to own me again.
for them i am just an option,
out of a hundred toys.
on their need,m played with,or kept alone on the wood,
or embraced in love,or thrown out of the door.
but i would not complain,for i never could,
for i am just a toy,and thats what toys are made for."

Friday 6 April 2012

paper feelings.

on a certain day,in a certain year..
i was sitting out,in my rocking chair..
with a writing pad,i looked around..
i saw two men fighting,over half a pound..
to my right,in a certain house..
i saw a lady,fighting with her spouse..
talking on the phone,i heard her sigh..
when she turned around,i saw her cry..
a moment later,across the road..
stood an old man,in a heavy coat..
looked pale and sad,as if he questioned life..
i heard people say,he had lost his wife..
walking on the street,a labourer with a fallen head..
he had worked hard,to earn a little bread..
though he had earned enough,to feed his son..
but thats all he had,he'd sleep a hungry one..
as i felt around,this exploded pain..
people expressed it,even though in vain..
and here was I,so helpless there..
I could never speak of,neither pain nor care..
on the paper though,i laughed,i cried..
the emotions which,people thought i'd hide..
i wrote them down,in the dark,in the light..
coz m just a writer,i can only write.

just like you

a night like this,
so peaceful,so mellow,
i look around and all i see,
is this beautiful world..
this perfect sky,like a sheet of velvet,
and embedded diamonds,
you may call them stars..
the drifting clouds,like a drifting thought,
moving slow enough to be appreciated,
but fast enough to be held on to..
the silence around,sounds like my soul,
it speaks nothing,but makes me feel its presence,peacefully..
the sombre wind that grazes through my hair,
like a beautiful song,
which makes me stop and close my eyes,
to take it all in till it lasts,
even if thats just one moment..
i look around in this perfect night,
and try to seek what keeps it alive..
its when i look up to see the perfect and the bright moon,
the most beautiful thing i have ever seen..
just like you.

Monday 26 March 2012

someday i will come back

if ever comes a day,
when my words desert me..
if ever comes a day,
when my thoughts avert me..
a day when i find it hard,
to say what i may feel..
a day i might be lost,
in a world that is not real..
to you i might look mean,
or bad or weak or fake..
to you it might look like,
i give up before i make..
a day like this i fear,
scared of silent nights..
i could as well be falling,
falling from endless heights..
if ever comes a day,
when i speak less than you see..
someday i would come back,
and tell you what you mean to me.

Tuesday 21 February 2012

before i fall asleep

sometimes during the night..
when my dreams elude me,and i find it hard to fall asleep..
 i lie awake looking at the dark ceiling..
my hands arched back under my head..
i try to look for something that made me what i am..
or what i want to be..
 i walk back the memory lanes..
 trying to justify my past to my present..
to give reasons that no one will ever ask for..
a disconnected association with all those people somehow..
 who once mattered..
 and i wonder how life transforms..
just like the seasons would..
 like the leaves would fall apart from the trees in autumn..
 no matter how close they were during spring..
perhaps the motivation to love comes from the loss of it..
perhaps the continuity might make love a saturated emotion..
like a circle of love..
 but then,does a particle on a circle know..
that its life revolves around someone it'll never meet..
and may be thats how life becomes..
like a circle..
revolving around a centre,of dreams,of perfection..
and never quite meeting it..
and lost in all these thoughts,just before i embrace sleep..
 i think of you.

Friday 6 January 2012

if someday

last night i had a dream,
a dream i have dreamed for a hundred days,
i was walking along a frozen stream,
holding hands of a woman without a face..
my thoughts have taken me to places,
which i haven't seen,where i haven't been,
and though i know a million faces,
but i can't picture her face,in any of the scene..
she walked like a swan,she flew like a dove,
she always walked behind the light,
so many nights,we have made love,
still i love her more at dawn,than the previous night..
i know m scared,if my dream does fly,
i know its hard,for my heart to fight,
i know at her touch,i'd feel so high,
i know i'd draw,her face tonight..
your beauty for me,lies not in her eyes,
its her soul on which my thoughts are woven,
for eyes can trick a man into lies,
but the soul is all,seen of a faceless woman..
devastated by eyes,my soul lies scared,
in my pursuit,of a somber heart,
but all i have seen,and all i have shared,
has taken me,back to the start..
so now i dream,but i'll hold my card,
for i wont speak,even if she asked,
a feeling gone,way back in life,
to bring it back,seems a little hard..
i don't know if i can,
ever fall in love again,
but if someday,my heart does stir,
i'll only fall,in love with her!